Pomodoro Technique

Hassan Karim
1 min readDec 30, 2020


Hi Everyone !

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo .

Here you go to know about this Technique , and then read my Story how I applied it.

POMODORO Technique

I applied the pomodoro technique of time management. I decided to dedicate some time and study 80 slides of a lecture relating to subject (community health nursing). I switched of my social media and kept my phone farther to avoid distraction and started studying my slides, and I was taking notes a well. During the experiment, I felt very easy and realized that this technique is quite useful to gain attention and getting things done on time and in smooth way. I also took short breaks in-between the experiment and got relaxed. There was as such no heavy distraction, but I ignored a bit distraction and carried on focusing on learning. In fact, this technique really helped me accomplishing the task because I had already made my mind, and was bound to complete within the specified time. I believe that if I continue pomodoro technique on daily basis, it will surely enhance my productivity. Also I will be more focused on my daily goals and would perform better.

