Just Start your Goals

Hassan Karim
2 min readDec 18, 2020


Let us see ,How I will work on my first Goal !!

The goal that I have chosen to complete in the next three weeks is about “Interpersonal communication skills”.

There is always smile in Interpersonal communication.

The first three tasks that I will work on immediately are following:

During the first week, I will show a real interest to speak to my colleagues and take part in fruitful discussions.

In the 2nd week, I will accept other people’s opinion, and expertise, as it will create patience in me which is a core element for interacting with others.

In 3rd week, I will be focusing to develop empathy and apply it practically.

It is an Art

I am excited to improve my interaction with others and be a good interpersonal communicator because it is the right time as I have fellows of different personalities and backgrounds. Moreover, it is the skill that would help me throughout the career, and I will realize how to handle various situations while dealing with people from multiple sorts of backgrounds.

In the past, I faced many hurdles that I could not achieve because of people’s prejudice and hatred towards me. I remember friends who would talk to me in a hostile manner. Being an introvert, I was not willing to interact and develop relationships with them, so I was left behind in many things and failed to avail opportunities.

I hope I will interact a lot with my current fellows that would overcome my fear while speaking to others. In fact, they will keep encouraging me, and I will be able to explore my potential in an effective way.

Thank you !

